
*mentee/student, ‡equal contribution first authorship

*Abraham, J. O., N. S. Upham, A. Damian-Serrano, and B. R. Jesmer. 2022. Evolutionary causes and consequences of ungulate migration. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

‡Costa-Pereira, R., ‡R. J. Moll, ‡B. R. Jesmer, and ‡W. Jetz. 2022. Animal tracking moves community ecology: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Stuber, E., *B. S. Carlson, B. S., and B. R. Jesmer. 2022. Many avenues for spatial personality research: a response to comments on Stuber et al. (2022). Behavioral Ecology. arac018.

Stuber, E., *B. S. Carlson, and B. R. Jesmer. 2022. Spatial Personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior. Behavioral Ecology. arab147.

*Esmaeili, S., B. R. Jesmer et al. (38 authors). 2021. Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: a cross-taxa test of the Forage Maturation Hypothesis. Ecology Letters. 24: 2178-2191.

Jesmer B. R., M. J. Kauffman, S. Kilpatrick, K. L. Monteith, T. Thomas, J. Yost, and J. R. Goheen. 2021. Life history theory provides a framework for detecting resource limitation: a test of the Nutritional Buffer Hypothesis. Ecological Applications. 31(4): e02299.

Jesmer B. R., M. J. Kauffman, M. A. Murphy, and J. R. Goheen. 2020. A test of the Niche Variation Hypothesis in a ruminant herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89:2825-2839.

DeCesare, N., K. Pilgrim, B. Weckworth, A. Walker, E. Bergman, K. Colson, R. Corrigan, R. Harris, M. Hebblewhite, B. R. Jesmer, J. Newby, J. Smith, R. Tether, T. Thomas, and M. K. Schwartz. 2019. Phylogeography of moose in western North America. Journal of Mammalogy. 101(1): 10-23.

‡Billerman, S. M., ‡B. R. Jesmer, A. G. Watts, P. Schlichting, M. J. Fortin, C. Funk, P. Hapeman, E. L. Muths, and M. A. Murphy. 2019. Testing theoretical metapopulation conditions with genotypic data from Boreal Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris maculata). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 97: 1042–1053.

Alston, J. M., B. M. Maitland, B. T. Britto, S. Esmaeili, A. T. Ford, B. Hays, B. R. Jesmer, F. J. Molina, and J. R. Goheen. 2019. Reciprocity in restoration ecology: when might large carnivore reintroductions restore ecosystems? Biological Conservation. 234: 82-89.

Jesmer, B. R., J. A. Merkle, J. R. Goheen, E. O. Aikens, D. E. McWhirter, A. B. Courtemanch, M. A. Hurley, H. M. Miyasaki, K. L. Monteith, J. L. Beck, and M. J. Kauffman. 2018. Is ungulate migration culturally transmitted? Evidence of social learning from translocated animals. Science. 361(6406): 1023-1025. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat0985

Jachowski, D. S., M. J. Kauffman, B. R. Jesmer, H. Sawyer, J. J. Millspaugh. 2018. Integrating physiological stress into the movement ecology of migratory ungulates: a spatial analysis with mule deer. Conservation Physiology. 6(1): 54-64.